
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12002 From: embraced338 Date: 7/28/2015
Subject: Spindle PWM on JP7/JP5

Hi All,

I've got a VFD I'd like to control with the KFLOP.

I have the hardware to convert some PWM signal into the 0-10v signal.

However, I would prefer to use either the JP7 or JP5 connectors on the KFLOP to interface with my 0-10v generator, as I have existing break out boards for these connectors.

From what I can see, the 'SpindlePWM.c' program uses pin 5 on JP6 as the pulse generator. This is not convenient for me, and I do not see how I can route this PWM output to JP7 or JP5 in this program.

Any assistance in this is appreciated.
